A Few Thoughts About Photography.........

Don't Believe the Marketing Hype

Well here we go again. The ad men are hard at work selling you the latest iPhone with all its wonderful features that will turn you instantly into a professional video photographer with the ability to produce superb top quality videos. Of courses years of training and practical experience are not required. Yes, this video was shot using an iPhone and yes it shows the ability of the phone. In the hands of a highly skilled professional cameraman that is. There will also be a full team of highly skilled professionals behind the production which will probably include an army of assistants, lighting and artistic directors, lighting technicians, make artists etc, etc. etc. And of course it is also highly staged and edited by a large team of highly trained and skilled people.

Want to improve your photography and take shots that rise above the mere average? Then forget about wasting your money on the latest tech and take the time and effort to learn your craft. Yes that's right, take your time to learn the art & craft of photography rather than expecting instant results and gratification of the sort promised by the commercial marketing hype.

Shot on iPhone 11 Pro — Snowbrawl.